Member Support

Contact Us

Alliance Healthcare Customer Service & Support

Contact Support

Website Support

Please go to our contact page to arrange a meeting with your relevant BDM.

Contact Us
Simply click the blue Login box on the top right hand side of the page. You will be taken through the portal for authentication. Following that you will be redirected back to the Forte website logged in.

If you have problems logging in – please Email us here Customer Portal to report this.
Simply click start shopping and direct to either AHDL direct to be taken to Alliance Direct ordering website (please login using your AHDL username and password) or the OTC to be lead to our insite shop (please login as as above).
Simply type the name of the product In the search bar. The results shown will include all products containing the current letters you have input (you do not need to type the whole word ie sim will show all simvastatin products) in descending order of price with your highlighted favourites superseding this.
Please contact our sales team on 0370 241 8717 who will be happy to assist.